Monday, April 18, 2011

Hard Drive Data Recovery Guide

The Question:

My hard drive failed, I need to get the data off of it, and some place wants$1600 to recover my data. I can't hear the drive spin, so should I swap the platters out?

My Thoughts:

Ummm.... if you're going to do that level of repair, you *really* need to know what you are doing. $1600 may be a small price to pay for data recovery, if the information on the hard drive is worth more.

If the techs are just running a software program, you're getting fleeced.

If at any time in the following steps you can see the hard drive to grab data, grab the data and consider yourself lucky.

If you hear the hard drive spin up on applying power, test it on the computer system, then run software-level recoveries:
Run Spinrite
Try File Scavenger

If that doesn't work, try the following hardware level recoveries, attempting software level items after each step:
Store hard drive in freezer for a day or two and try powering on. if hard drive crashes again, but did work for a few minutes, restow in freezer and try again. You may need to have the drive on ice while pulling off data.

With hard drive powered off, at least for 5 minutes or so, drop hard drive on floor, then test (trying to loosen stuck head). Go up to dropping on concrete, but do not throw it, yet.

Anti-static mats required now: Swap controller cards with other hard drive (need identical model with same dash numbers as current dead drive)

If still no luck, and you really need the data, consider that $1600 well spent, or, if you don't have to have the data, then consider the following learning experience:

Have the secondary identical drive nearby, then replace old controller card on the old drive, and lightly throw the old drive on the floor. Pick it up and shake it, listening for any rattles. Attempt power on.

If still can't hear spinning, now you need the clean room for the platter swap, one at a time, performing software level recovery steps each time.

If still not successful, now you have a really cool business card holder.

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